Syndey Sweeney shared an easy makeup hack that only requires two things. In an interview with Vogue, the “Euphoria” star revealed the items inside her bag and walked the viewers through her two-step makeup routine with two Armani products, which are practical choices when she has to do her makeup alone. She also pulled out several interesting and unexpected items from her bag, including a wig and a bloody face cut-out of herself from the 2024 movie “Immaculate.”
Sydney Sweeney reveals 2 Armani makeup products she swears by
In a recent interview with Vogue, Sydney Sweeney revealed the items in her Miu Miu Adventure tote bag. While some items can be used by anyone, a few Sweeney specials took people by surprise. Introducing the items, the actor shared her two-step makeup routine with the two Armani products she swears by. She revealed using the items only when she is doing her makeup by herself.
Sydney Sweeney shared that she is not the best at doing makeup, given how her stylist takes care of it most of the time. However, she depends on the Armani products while doing it all alone. The actor tries to “stay as simple as possible” using Armani’s Luminous Silk concealer, which she mixes with Armani’s Luminous Cheek Tint as blush.
And with the concealer, Sweeney admitted to doing a “spot cover-up wherever I might have a breakout or under my eyes.” She also chooses to put tint on the back of her hand and apply it with her fingers. Sweeney said, “I love makeup that you can just like, do with your hands.” Previously, she shared a 4-step lakeside makeup routine that involved the aforementioned products alongside Luminous Silk Creamy Bronzing Powder.
Other items in Sydney Sweeney’s bag include a charm dedicated to her pup Tank, unused gift cards, snacks, a shot glass, eyedrops, and a pencil case, among other things.