How to Dye Curly Hair Without Sacrificing Its Health

Wait to Wash

The last thing you want to do is leave the salon and then go home and wash your hair, as you risk the possibility of losing a ton of the color you just had put in. “Naturally your cuticle will seal itself within 48-72 hours. I generally advise my clients to wait at least two full days, three when possible. This will guarantee the longest-lasting color,” suggests Dickie. This holds true for applying heat, as well. “If you’re prone to color fading fast, I recommend waiting 48-72 hours. Always use a heat protectant even when air drying as it can add UV protection too,” recommends Valdez.

If you waited the appropriate amount of time to wash your hair but still notice a huge fade upon washing, Dickie says you should tell your colorist ASAP. “I also advise my clients to never hesitate to let me know if they experience a noticeable difference in their tone within the first two shampoos,” he says, adding that “this is a balance of science and art, and sometimes every contributing factor is not on our side. Fading happens, and it’s okay to address it with your colorist.”

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